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Thursday, December 29, 2005

The worst gathering arrangement

People tend not to keep their words. At the end of the day, use your common sense instead of believe their words. I'm not saying to distrust your friends. However, it's life. I've learnt the lesson today...

How much does a vendor certificate worth?

If you have enough experience, do you still need the certificate?

What is the certificate for? It proves that you are capable to do something.

In an interview, if you have the experience to prove your ability, does the certificate help at all? It is questionnable...

Monday, December 26, 2005


小弟第一隻沉迷嘅 PC Game, 就係呢隻「鐵路A計劃」。嗰陣佢每次入 game 都要打密碼,本 manual 後面就有一堆深底色嘅黑字密碼,有一塊紅色透明膠片去令到 D 密碼易睇 D. 小弟到最後用 word 打咗,print 埋出嚟抄俾同學。
前身為鐵路帝國, 一款由日本Artdink公司所製作的遊戲, 卻讓Maxis破例代理發行, 可見其魅力之所在. 在國內由電腦休閒世界(軟體世界子公司)代理並中文化, 在國內引起熱烈的迴響. 且中文化的版本多了高雄場景, 讓遊戲更有親切感. 遊戲中你要從一片荒地慢慢的開發, 既然名為鐵路A計劃, 當然就是要靠鐵路來促進發展囉. 各種大大小小的建築物發展都需要材料, 因此鐵路的規劃就變成非常重要的一環. 遊戲中還有股票機制, 你也可以靠股票大賺一筆. 除了畫面精美外, 遊戲的音樂非常的悠閒, 而且還有日夜變化. 看著高樓慢慢的蓋起, 各種不同的火車穿梭而過, 那種成就感真是難以形容啊... 後來又推出一款"鐵路A計劃~開天闢地篇", 也是由電腦休閒世界代理並中文化, 可以自由編修遊戲中的各項設定.

Thursday, December 22, 2005


前排响 newsgroup 度 post 咗一篇懷舊嘅文,先發現有好多往事可以回味。所以,得閒嘅時候會寫日記之餘,呢度都會寫少少懷舊嘅文章。

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Mario DDR

My friend and I bought Mario DDR together. Last Sunday, we gather with our friends to enjoy the game.

I haven't play DDR since I was in college. However, I pick up the beat quickly. It's good to play it again. I played it for hours with some rest. I was really tired. It can actually compensate my workout day.

Since the game only supports two dance mats, some of us were playing the computer game while some of us were playing Mahjong.

After the game, we had a nice hotpot together. Then, the DDR is abandoned. My friends keep playing computer game and Mahjong. I was too tired and watched the TV alone. Since it was so quite, I take the chance to test drive my new bought digital camera. The functions are really great. The 7.1x is already fantastics. It was what I bought for. I didn't notice that I can set up the exposure time. The night photo taken my the camera is really

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