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Tuesday, September 12, 2006


我發覺,我已經習慣將陌生嘅嘢扮到好熱情咁,人同事都係咁。他朝有一日,當呢 D 人同事唔再同我有關嘅時候,我可以好快咁劃清界線。而呢個習慣,係上咗大學之後發生嘅事。

所以,一去到抽離嘅情況下,我好快就知到邊 D 人係講心,邊 D 人係講金。到依家,我只可以講,我好耐都無再識過新嘅人同我講心。當然,好多以為係講心嘅,到頭來被我發覺佢係講金啦。呢 D 真係好討厭,最憎就係 D 唔老實嘅人。

Monday, September 11, 2006

The September Eleven

Five years ago, I came back to Hong Kong on August. The economy is bad. However, I think I could still a decent job quickly. A month later, here's come Sept 11. The economy became worst at that moment. Since then, I was jobless until November.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Diving in Open Water

Today is the first day of diving in open water. However, yesterday has rained, the visibility in the water is not good. So, there aren't anything to see. It's cold too.

Saturday, September 9, 2006


Originally uploaded by Shane_Ng.
唔經唔覺,羊仔送俾我嘅生日禮物已經到咗第58日。家陣睇落重好健康,但係生長速度好明顯咁減慢咗,都唔知幾時先至會到頂。睇嚟個日記 D 相真係有排影。

Life as a Project Manager

I am very busy these few weeks. I tried to avoid to be a project manager for a long time. However, it's time to taste it again. It was not a good experience when I was handling an ERP project as I was a rookie. Now, it has been two years. I hope I could handle the projects more appropriately. However, it doesn't mean I can handle four projects at the same time...

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