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Friday, April 28, 2017


話說好想影一次雲海,呢排成日落雨,於是就 Mon 實天文台嘅 Cam, 睇吓情況咩景。



9點半出發,去到國金搭1號小巴,10點四個字上到山頂。本來想去山頂廣場個觀景台,但係唔知點解有個 Trick Eye Museum 之後,可以去觀景台嘅路封晒,要即時轉陣。


好彩獅子亭唔係太遠,所以好快咁搵到位影 Time Lapse, 不過呢,因為出門急得滯,唔記得帶腳架,又唔記得帶多部手機,就只可以用用緊部手機去開個 Time Lapse App 去控制部相機,可打機上網但不可聽網台,時間有少少難過。


就開始影 Time Lapse 了,一路玩吓手機 Game, 影到11點五個字,收檔返歸了


其實略嫌少少早走,因為走嘅時候先開始雲海亂舞,可惜唔係星期五。如果係星期五嘅話,可以去盧吉道影,無的豪宅响度,個景會靚好多,亦可以影夜啲... 但係算係完成一個目標了。

Saturday, April 22, 2017


  1. 做好嘅 Product 拎去賣錢
  2. 有一班人可以一起去做好嘅 Product
  3. 有錢去 Support 呢一班人嘅生活
公司嘅英文 Company 其實同 Companion 同根,响拉丁文解一起食麵包嘅人,譯返做廣東話,即係大家一齊搵食。而寫 Software 就同節目入面嘅拍電視劇咁,一個人係做唔晒,就算聰明如 Bill Gates, 當年都係一 Team 人去做嘢,所以一個團隊係不可缺少。


Thursday, April 13, 2017


噚日朝早見到 Facebook 有人 Post 咗 United 拖人落機嘅 Video, 跟住就聽到新聞報導,成朝個 Facebook 都係被呢件事洗咗版。一件唔應該發生嘅,要趕人走,用不著拖人落機。

因為 Facebook 已經洗咗版,於是用咗個 Lunch time 去刨晒佢,有朋友 Like 咗原片,其中一個 Comment 係咁寫:
I contacted my old coworkers at United and got a few more details. Originally the flight wasn't overbooked. It was at capacity. So people talking smack about overselling seats doesn't really apply this situation. They do oversell but not this case wasn't a true oversell.

The crew they put on was the operate a flight out of SDF this morning so it wouldn't cancel. Very important due to the weather effecting the ORD and EWR hubs this mornings.
(I had to space a ORD stream over Champaign, IL this morning and shoot a gap through weather, it was nuts)

So they couldn't get volunteers, blah blah, go to the involuntary list, get those passengers. Now when a passenger doesn't get off the plane easily with airline crew they call security. Not uncommon. USUALLY, after police/security talk to the passenger and explain to the passenger the consequences of not following the flight crews instructions, explains the contract of carriage and flashes their gun, they cooperate. This apparently didn't happen and the gate agent didn't realize the cops were going to be so rough on the guy. So in all fairness, even though no one is found of how United's contract of carriage works,...

問題就嚟喇,Oversell 係人所共知嘅事,因為 Oversell 而唔俾人登機亦時有所聞。但今次唔係 Oversell, 人亦已經坐响度,咁究竟航空公司有無權叫人落機? 唯一可以肯定嘅係,拖人落機唔關 United 事,係機場保安。佢哋無 flash their gun 係因為佢哋無配槍,本來已經檢討緊,但睇嚟之後都唔使諗了。就可能因為無槍,乘客唔賣賬,唯有用暴力。

反觀 United 嘅錯,呢一刻就只係錯在唔知點解第二朝班機會重要到一定要嗰四個 crew member 飛過去,由 ORD 揸車去 SDF 其實都只係4個幾鐘,一個機位 offer 800蚊美金,4個人都3千2, 可能租到架 Limo 了。

本來以為件事告一段落,點知 United 個 CEO 出咗封信話呢個係一個教訓,加埋個 Summary, 咁就出多次事,基本上佢認為員工跟足程序做事,係未出到聲話抵讚。

今日 Lunch time 再搵多少少資料,好多都係話有 Denied Boarding 嘅條款,但到最後都只係話 Apply 落 Oversell 嘅情況,直至搵到一位法學教授嘅文章,提到:
As a direct result, the government adopted a rule which permits a carrier to deny boarding to a ticketed passenger, but only after going through a process of seeking other passengers to give up their seats.

United’s Rule 25, as its title clearly implies, applies only to denied boarding. Thus, it uses the word “denied boarding,” and variants such as “deny boarding,” but says nothing about requiring passengers who have already boarded to give up their seats.
即係話,United 跟本無權咁做。一來唔係 Oversell, 二來乘客已經上咗機:
Rule 21, entitled “Refusal of Transport,” is very different because it clearly and expressly covers situations in which a passenger who has already boarded the plane can be removed. It states clearly: “Rule 21, Refusal of Transport, UA shall have the right to refuse to transport or shall have the RIGHT TO REMOVE FROM THE AIRCRAFT AT ANY POINT, any passenger for the following reasons.” [emphasis added]

The rule, which unlike the denied boarding rule does provide for removal “from the aircraft at any point,” lists some two dozen justifications including: unruly behavior, intoxication, inability to fit into one seat, medical problems or concerns, etc. But nowhere in the list of some two dozen reasons is there anything about over booking, the need to free up seats, the need for seats to accommodate crew members to be used on a different flight etc.


In this case, the failure to include over booking, or the need for additional seats, in a long list of justifications for removing a passenger “from the aircraft at any point” means that passengers may not be removed for these non-listed reasons.
今次 GG 了,United 已經犯咗法,實俾人告到 PK.

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