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Sunday, February 27, 2005


Thanks to my buddy, I finally got enough confident to swim. On Friday, it was my first time to swim for the whole pool. Sometimes, I was confident enough to swim in the second lane.

But after the swimming session, I think my joints got hurt. They keep complaining, even at this moment. I think need to give them a good rest.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Weird Library Regulation

This Thursday, I got a notice from a library which wrote that a book I borrowed was overdued. When I revised the return date of the book, the due date was March 4. The due date written in the notice was January 19.

I called the library at once to ask for more information about it. The libarian said that someone has recalled the book and I was supposed to return the book after 16 day I borrow it. Also, I got no other notice that the book was recalled.

Finally, I remembered that I have another email account which is provided by HKU computing service, which I think no CS student will use. The libarian said I can try to return the book and have the overdue fee waived in the library. Luckily enough, the fee got waived. I don't need to pay the 100 bucks.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


故名思義,生意就係求生嘅意志。蝕本生意,好明顯唔係生意。所謂創業難,守業更難。諗到一個 idea, 再實行埋,但係唔知賺唔賺到錢,又係咪一盤生意呢?

如果投資唔大,又唔係靠佢開飯,無乜風險,的確可以一試。唔係嘅話,最好都要做好市場調查,睇吓有無咁嘅需求好 D 喇!

Business Idea

My friend has formulated a business idea about match making. I was busy for the architectural design. As the assignments is flooding out from my courses, I will pause the implementation until I have all assignments done.

Saturday, February 12, 2005




Friday, February 11, 2005


筆者係一個相信星座嘅人,雖然未致於素有研究,但亦略懂一二。點解會信呢? 睇返自己同身邊嘅人,都同星座所講嘅性格非常吻哈。


但唔講唔知,巨蟹座同白羊座其實唔係咁啱,但係我同呢位朋友就非常要好。呢 D 就係之前所講嘅「緣」。

Chinese New Year

Wednesday is the first day of Chinese New Year. I enjoyed the day with my family.

We first went to restaurant to "drink tea". Then we took bus to the peak and stayed for awhile. After having the dinner, we tried to watch the parade. However, there are too many people. We went back to home straight.

Tuesday, February 8, 2005



與其去憎一個人,不如正面一 D 去發掘一個人嘅好處。多了解,體諒,對自己又好,話唔埋隨時多個朋友。但如果你真係好憎一個人,亦都搵唔佢丁點好處,咁就唯有避之則吉。

Sitting in eCommerce Class

I've attended an ePayment course that my friend is taking. The lecturer came from America. I felt like I was in US in during the class. I think I'll take some eCommerce courses in the future.

If comparing this course with the course in Computer Science, it's more intersting. Maybe I get used to the American style already.

Saturday, February 5, 2005


剛剛睇完套日劇,指兄弟姐妹之間嗌交係平常事,獨生嘅呢,就無乜機會同人嗌交。嗌交,正面嚟講,係兩個人毫不忌諱咁表達自己嘅諗法,語氣比平常重。但係,點解會同人嗌交呢? 有乜人會同你嗌交呢?

一個同你嗌交嘅人,同你熟係好重要。同你唔熟,可能你連嗌都費事。你可以為一個人著想而同佢嗌,可以為芝麻綠豆嘅分歧同佢嗌,甚至為嗌而嗌。嗌完一場交,當日可能有 D 唔舒服,但係第二日,又可以玩到攪埋一堆。


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