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Monday, August 27, 2012

每日一字 14

今日响明珠台聽到一句: "I bet the house on that." 中譯 - 我落咗重注

查咗一陣,有唔少文章都有呢句 Phrase, 但唔覺有人去解。但查查吓,見到 "bet the farm", Oxford 係咁解嘅:
risk everything that one owns on a bet, investment, or enterprise
叫 "bet the ranch" 都得,意思一樣,不過少人用 D.

再查一查,大概嚟自賭啤,Urban Dictionary 係咁解:
To put up everything you have, while gambling in a card game.

可能時移世易,無乜人有田有地,最多得間屋,"bet the house" 似乎較為切合現代情況。

Friday, August 10, 2012




Sunday, August 5, 2012

每日一字 13

Patronize - 中譯: 保護,贊助,獎勵,光顧 <商店等>
特別少少嘅解釋: 對<人>擺出施恩的態度

字根為 Patron - 中譯: 贊助人[團體],支援者,保護者,獎勵者,長期顧客
"a lord-master, a protector," c.1300, from O.Fr. patrun (12c.), from M.L. patronus "patron saint, bestower of a benefice, lord, master, model, pattern," from L. patronus "defender, protector, advocate," from pater (gen. patris) "father." Meaning "one who advances the cause" (of an artist, institution, etc.), usually by the person's wealth and power, is attested from late 14c.; "commonly a wretch who supports with insolence, and is paid with flattery" [Johnson]. Commercial sense of "regular customer" first recorded c.1600. Patron saint (1717) was originally simply patron (late 14c.).

衍生出 Patriot - 中譯: 愛國者, Patriotic - 中譯: 愛國
Patriotic Education 亦即係愛國教育

德育及國民教育 - 英譯: Moral and Civic Education
淪為愛國教育,淪為 Propaganda - 中譯: (動機不良)宣傳

最近有150頓聚丙烯膠粒因為十號風球由貨櫃吹咗落嚟,膠粒飄流到各永灘,難得各環保團體、政黨、討論區發起嘅清潔運動,市民一呼百應,呢 D 咪就係成功嘅 Civic Education - 中譯: 公民教育。好多嘢,唔需要特別開一科去教。

Thursday, August 2, 2012

每日一字 12

neat - 中譯: 整潔
1540s, "clean, free from dirt," from Anglo-Fr. neit, M.Fr. net "clear, pure," from L. nitidus "well-favored, elegant, trim," lit. "gleaming," from nitere "to shine," from PIE root *nei- "to shine" (cf. M.Ir. niam "gleam, splendor," niamda "shining;" O.Ir. noib "holy," niab "strength;" Welsh nwyfiant "gleam, splendor").

Meaning "inclined to be tidy" is from 1570s. Of liquor, "straight," c.1800, from meaning "unadulterated" (of wine), which is first attested 1570s. Informal sense of "very good" first recorded 1934 in American English; variant neato is teenager slang, first recorded 1968. Related: Neatly; neatness.

另一個用法: 「正斗」

例句: It's neat - 中譯: 件事好正

話說成日落個客度,會帶好多線、手指、線、手指、線、手指... 等等,搵起嚟都唔易。响淘寶見到 COCOON GRID-IT Organizer, 除咗係好正嘅 Neat, 仲係整潔嘅 Neat!

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