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Thursday, July 5, 2018

獨立 國旗 國歌

話說有個國家想獨立,俾人打咗成日,趕走咗人之後,第一件事做嘅唔係乜嘢,而係要做每日嘅例行工事: 升返支國旗。



美國第二次獨立戰,英國海軍想攻入巴爾的摩,向麥克亨利堡(Fort McHenry)進攻,由1814年9月13日零晨6點開始進行炮擊。當時美國未有正式軍隊,但守軍依然奮勇低抗,經過長達25小時嘅炮火,堡壘依然屹立不倒。最後英國海軍撤出,由於獨立旗幟喺炮擊期間嚴重受損,加上每日嘅升旗儀式,駐紮士兵掛出一面面積較大的新旗,律師兼業餘詩人 Francis Scott Key 目擊整個攻擊及升旗過程,一時感觸,寫出詩編,詩編分成四節,其中第一節,被 Francis 嘅舅仔 Joseph Hopper Nicholson 提議融入當時流行曲 To Anacreon in Heaven, 並於1930年變成今日美國國歌 The Star-Spangled Banner:
O! say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,

O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there —

O! say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave?
當中 broad stripes and bright stars 同 star-spangled banner, 就係指旗桿上嘅旗幟,歌詞中描繪出當時嘅時間,戰況嘅激烈,英勇嘅低抗,轟轟嘅炮火,最後25個鐘頭後,旗幟依舊,豎立在麥克亨利堡嘅旗桿上,隨風飄揚,並歌頌自由嘅大地。

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