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Sunday, September 21, 2014

每日一字 24


Country - 以地域分界
A nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory

Middle English: from Old French cuntree, from medieval Latin contrata (terra) '(land) lying opposite', from Latin contra 'against, opposite'.

Nation - 以人文分界, United Kingdom 入面有英格蘭、威爾斯、蘇格蘭、同北愛爾蘭三個唔同文化種族嘅 Nation 組成嘅國家
A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory

Middle English: via Old French from Latin natio(n-), from nat- 'born', from the verb nasci.

State - 以權力分界, United States 就係以唔同地方政府組成嘅國家
A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government

c.1300, from special use of state (n.1); this sense grew out of the meaning "condition of a country" with regard to government, prosperity, etc. (late 13c.), from Latin phrases such as status rei publicæ "condition (or existence) of the republic."

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