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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

講古系列 12: 鼇洋甘瀑



香港開埠前,英國外科醫生及博物學家 Clarke Abel 曾到此一遊,响 Narrative of a journey in the interior of China : and of a voyage to and from that country, in the years 1816 and 1817 中係咁樣形容個瀑布:
As seen from the ship, this island was chiefly remarkable for its high conical mountains, rising in the centre, and for a beautiful cascade which rolled over a fine blue rock into the sea. I took advantage of the first watering boat to visit the shore, and made one of these mountains and the waterfall the principal objects of my visit.

英國外交使節 Sir Henry Ellis 亦响 Journal of the proceedings of the late embassy to China 提到:
In the evening the ships weighed, and proceeded to the island of Hong-Kong for the purpose of watering. We hope that we shall be enabled to pursue our voyage on the morning of the 12th. The situation of the watering place is picturesque. A stream of water falls down the mountains forming the island, and the casks may be filled when the tide serves, close to the beach. Surrounding projections of the land enclose a small bay, the resort of fishing vessels.

幸得 Google 幾年前 Scan 咗當年 Clarke Abel 嘅書,還原咗當中嘅插圖:

再對比返 Google Map 嘅衛星相片,今日嘅只係一個小型瀑布,


時移世易,香港開埠後,為咗應付食水供應,19世紀60年代起咗香港第一個水塘: 薄扶林水塘。大部份原本流向呢個瀑布嘅山澗水流,都引到去水塘度,鼇洋甘瀑亦只能剩下瀑布灣一名。

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