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Tuesday, March 3, 2015


The Conservative plans spell out that housebuilders can afford to sell the homes at 20% below the market price because they will be exempt from community infrastructure levy, used to pay for services such as roads and sewers, and from section 106 obligations, which require social housing to be included in building schemes or a payment in lieu. They will also be exempt from the zero carbon standard, designed to ensure they emit no carbon. They will only be available to households aged under 40, the age group most locked out of home ownership.
The starter homes would be sold at a discount of 20% and the purchasers would not be allowed to sell them at full market value for at least five years, although they may be entitled to rent them out. They would largely be built on brownfield sites, previously used for industrial or commercial purposes and not already earmarked for housing.
當中嘅 Brownfield site 係指被廢棄商業或工業用地,可能係一啲偏遠少少嘅地方,如果欠缼基建嘅話,應該唔太好住,但八折嘛,值唔值就見仁見智。

但八折喎,買嚟租都好嘛! 答案係唔得,睇返 Official 網頁:
They can't be bought by foreigners, they can't be bought by buy-to-let landlords, they can't be flipped round in a quick sale. They can only be bought by hard working people under the age of 40.
Labour is committed to increasing the number of new homes being built each year to 200,000 by 2020 by threatening to take land from developers who fail to use it, doing more public sector building and building a new generation of garden cities.


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