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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Easter Holiday

This Easter Holiday is really boring. I watched a long Japanese drama and a whole piece of Anime. The only interesting event happened was a girl get contacted me. We will meet together this Saturday. Stay tune!

Homework (again)

Tons of homework is going to be turned-in. I can't start doing them until the last minute...

Job Hunting

In these two weeks, a friend of mine was preparing going back to the job market. Writing resume and writing cover letter are really the state of arts. They can never get perfect even we keep revising them.

This blog is a continue of a blog written in last month. A friend of mine formulated a match making web site idea. However, we found that there are many existing similar web sites already. The pricing model seems more simple.

Anyway, he is going to implement the code as an exercise of learning PHP.

Sunday, March 6, 2005


小弟有個怪癖,就係得閒時去睇人哋 ICQ 嘅 Info. 我覺得 ICQ 嘅 Info 係一個表達自己嘅地方,係人都睇得,但係你又唔知有無人睇。人哋睇完,可能笑一笑,就行開咗,又唔會去追究你寫過乜。所以,我自己寫嘅嘢,好多都係內心嘅 說話,又唔想同人講,但求有個知音人睇完,問候吓,就已經心滿意足。


It's has been awhile I using Mozilla Suite as my standard browser, mail client, and newsgroup reader. For the newsgroup reader (i.e. Mozilla Mail), the shortcut keys are very different from what I was used to (the Netscape Newsgroup). I tried to adopt the new shortcut keys but it just aren't making any sense. Finally, I installed an extension, keyconfig, today. Now, I have the optimal configuration.

Besides, there is one little bug that border be for a few weeks. I used to be able open a new tab when I use middle click to open new tab in mail or news article. However, for some reason, it just doesn't work. I also found the bug today and got it patch from the bugzilla of Mozilla.

Thought and Idea

Yesterday, something draw my attention. Some people were claiming that REST would become the standard way to execute web service. Some even claimed that it might replace SOUP soon. For the simplicity sake, I agree that REST is far superior than SOUP. It will be good for the services that are not classified as "mission critical".

REST, however, can be the next wave of RIA. Besides Java Applet + Java Servlet or Flash + AMF, REST can combine with DHTML to do all those screen manipulation, like gmail. Let's see what's going to happen next.


I've been working on the homework this week. Probably will continue for the whole month. I found that I cannot focus on the homework when I am sitting in front of the computer. I'll try to improve that otherwise I cannot finish up anything.

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