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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

大螃蟹與魚魚 3

糟糕了,時間拖得太久,大螃蟹開始原形畢露,變成被動的位置,甚麼看影畫、吃晚飯、看夜景,活動都安排得很好,但是,大螃蟹該多說兩句話吧! 在女孩子面前,別太節省,要錯過機會的!

Monday, January 30, 2006

The first day of Lunar New Year

We went to Chinese resturant to have our lunch. Dad opened an 8-cent credit card statement. Lucky that 8-cents mean 8 divine spirits in Chinese. So, we have "8 spirits celebrating the new year" with us (八仙賀歲).

Then, mom said let's go visiting my brother in Shenzhen. We went to Macau first, dad played in a casino to win the cost of trip and go to Shenzhen by ship. We had some snack on the way. When we have the dinner in my brother's apartment, we only ate a few. Then we come back by bus.

When we went to the bus station, the cab went through where I used to be. The Bing hai highway (滨海大道). The roadsides seems changed alot. Unlike 3 years ago, there are so many trees and building along the way.

Then we came back to Hong Kong. We have a nice round trip (行大運) today.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

大螃蟹與魚魚 2


天將降大任於斯人也...(下刪數十字...) 大螃蟹要再加油吧!

Saturday, January 21, 2006


在 05 年夏天,魚魚在大海中撞了一隻大螃蟹,大螃蟹正好悶著,跟其他的海洋生物堆沙丘,魚魚便跟大螃蟹談起天來。


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

How to trap a stupid...

In newsgroup or forum, there are many stupids who think they are smart. Following the steps below, you can trap a stupid easily:
  1. Open some loop holes (e.g. typos) and pretend that you do not see it.
  2. Open a many frontlines (arguments that confuses) to shift his or her focus.
  3. Shut down the backdoors. Leave the exit open (saying that you won't discuss anymore as two has very different perspective). Leave the lure to attract the stupid (the fact that he or she has not known yet).
  4. Usually, a smart guy will see the exit and prepare to step off from the stage.
  5. However, a stupid will take the lure seriously (he or she will try to argue the fact).
  6. Congratulations! The stupid now is trapped and you can do whatever you want (humiliation; ask him or her to shut up; with correct wording, you can make him or her disappear from the newsgroup or forum)!

Monday, January 16, 2006

The First Date

Finally, I asked the girl out last night. We met in TST station and had our tea in a Japanese resturant. I think we have a good conversation. I think she has gave me another chance to have another date. That's great!



Sunday, January 1, 2006


歌手:陳奕迅 | 作曲:Eric Kwok
填詞:林夕 | 編曲:Eric Kwok

多典的歌后 一霎眼已走
纏綿著青葱的山丘 轉眼變蟻丘
這個剎那宇宙 拒絕永久
世事無常還是未看夠 還未看透

多好玩的東西 早晚會放低
從前並肩的好兄弟 可會撐到底
最艷的花卉 最後化爛泥

*夕陽無限好 天色已黃昏
 本想去憑愛 去換最燦爛一生
 想不到長吻 帶來更永恆傷感

 夕陽無限好 卻是近黃昏
 高峰的快感 剎那失陷
 風花雪月不肯等人 要獻便獻吻*

多風光的海島 一秒變廢土
長存在心底的傾慕 一秒夠細數
只可追憶到 想追追不到


好風景多的是 夕陽平常事
然而每天眼見的 永遠不相似

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