Last Saturday, I went to a colleague house club for a gathering. I played badminton, someone played squash. Then we had dinner and chatting together. It is quite enjoyable.
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Friday, December 10, 2004
I don't feel quite well since yesterday. However, I need to hold an important meeting this morning. So, I take off as soon as the meeting is done.
Another Colleague Leaving
One of my colleague is leaving the company as he does not want to keep implementing the always on-going project, which I am currently the project manager. I will not be the manager next month. However, he is a smart guy and very helpful. So, after next month, all old team member is gone. New manager, new developers, and new policy will take care the project soon.
Sunday, December 5, 2004
Final Decision
Everything seems going smoothly. I can work as a valuable part-time in the company about half of the day each day. So, starting from next month, I will have plenty of time to execute my plan.
I'll start learning swimming. Maybe going to take some Japanese course. Pressure will be much relieved.
I'll start learning swimming. Maybe going to take some Japanese course. Pressure will be much relieved.
Friday, December 3, 2004
Tension Relieved
I've told my intention on Tuesday. It turns out that my reasoning is based on some false assumption. Even though my time is still a constraint, I can choose to perform another role in the company. A role that can take less time. I can even choose to be a part-time, too.
As there are too many possibilities, it will take some time to think about it.
As there are too many possibilities, it will take some time to think about it.
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